Wednesday 10 July 2024

Retirement of Office 365 E3 developer subscription

 Recently I received error message in my mobile's outlook saying that there is issue connecting my E3 developer account. I thought due to password change it might occur. But when I tried to login in the browser, it showed same error. Then I rushed to check in my outlook email that was connected with the developer program to find out if I got any notice for the subscription renewal. Generally, I got message for renewal and I used it for some POC and it was auto renewed. But this time the message was bit different. It states like below:

We noticed that you have an active Office 365 E3 developer subscription through your membership in the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.

The Microsoft 365 Developer Program no longer supports the Office 365 E3 developer offering, and your existing subscription will no longer be renewed after April 3, 2024. Please check out the Microsoft 365 Developer Program dashboard to see the expiration dates for your E3 subscription.

Wednesday 21 February 2024

'create-react-app' is not recognized as an internal or external command


Recently there was an issue we face while training React. Generally we give training using video series on YouTube but this time we pass on training blog from c-sharp corner learn module. The installation process showcase we need to install node js and then run command "create-react-app" to create react app. But it gave us below error:

Error - 'create-react-app' is not recognized as an internal or external command.


The command was the correct one and we generally use that. So the issue has to be something with the environment. When I checked the resolution for this in google, it suggested to use "npx" before the command. When we use that, it created the react app. So, I checked the git repository for the explanation of this.


So, the issue we face was due to node version installed. As per the git repository, if you have node version 5.1 or higher, you need to add "npx" before the command. if the version is lover, you can directly use the command to create the app. 

I am trying to reach the author to include this as note in the post. As comments is not allowed in the post, I am writing this blog to help someone if they face the same issue. 



Monday 19 February 2024

PowerShell - Cannot convert the value of type "System.String" to type "System.Security.SecureString"


Recently, my colleague was working on a migration project. He faced a really strange issue with 

PowerShell. We have created that script for big site migration and we have done tons of site migration with that in the past. But this time it was throwing an error while we were trying to connect the site. Below is the sample code portion:

 #Prompt the user for the source environment username  
 $sourceUserName = "domain\username"  
 # Prompt the user for the source environment password  
 $password = 'My&$P@ssw0rd'  
 $securePassword = $password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force  
 Connect-Site "Site URL" -Username $sourceUserName -Password $securePassword  

Error - Connect-Site : Cannot bind parameter 'Password'. Cannot convert the value of type "System.String" to type "System.Security.SecureString". At line:1 char:131


The first thing I checked on my end was whether there was any change in the "connect-site" command. But there was no update there. So, we try to run the connect-site command without passing a password. Powershell showcased the dialog for the password and it worked like a charm. That means the password was also correct. But we were not able to pass it correctly. 

Generally, when we get any projects, we used to set our passwords but this time it was set by the client and it contained many special characters. In the above code, we have showcased 2 of them - & and $. These 2 characters are not handled when you try to treat them normally in convert to secure string. 


So, we copy the error and google it. But there were tons of sites. So, we go to the copilot in the edge browser and ask resolution of the same error. It provided a response with possible resolutions and the source sites list where it has gathered the information. The response was correct but still I went through the reference site. I found one stack overflow site which I mentioned in reference that explained things in much easier language than copilot. 

The PowerShell herestring exists for just such an occasion.

 $password = @'  

The @" and "@ characters have to be on their own line, but allow for any characters inside of them.

Once we handled the password like that, it was able to run successfully. The full code will be like below:

 #Prompt the user for the source environment username  
 $sourceUserName = "domain\username"  
 # Prompt the user for the source environment password  
 $password = @'  
 $securePassword = $password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force  
 Connect-Site "Site URL" -Username $sourceUserName -Password $securePassword  
