Tuesday 21 February 2023

Failed to Install SharePoint Generator in Setting up MS Teams Tab

Recently, I was learning how to create an app that we can use as tab in MS Teams. Microsoft has provided a simple tutorial to get things started. 

Link - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/platform/sbs-gs-spfx?tabs=vscode%2Cviscode

I installed the pre-requisites as mentioned in the blog. But When I created a tab app with SPFx, I got error "Failed to Install SharePoint Generator".


The issue with the tutorial is that it provide details - Use the Node.js version 14 or 16 LTS release version of Node js. It has directly provided link to the Node Js Home page which will showcase their latest version for download. You need to scroll down to see previous release and in that you need to find out the 14 LTS version.

When I go deep in the error log, I found out that the Node vesrsion supported should be 14.14.0 to 15.0.0. Once I installed the correct version I was able to complete the app creation process.

I am sharing this information as I am not able to see any way to contact Microsoft for updating the tutorial. Hope if someone needs help, this will provide some help.

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